
The Everlasting company, always attentive to ethical issues and the proper conduct of its business, has implemented the regulations pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 24/2023 by establishing an adequate whistleblowing channel. This tool, aimed at protecting the integrity of the company, allows for reporting, including confidentially, to the Report Manager of situations relevant under the law or internal regulations learned in the course of performing functions within the company.
From an objective standpoint, reports must relate solely to violations of regulations or internal procedures and regulations. Therefore, reports that concern complaints, personal requests, or, more generally, circumstances not relevant for these purposes may not be considered. Reports must also be specific, based on precise and consistent factual elements, and made in good faith. 
From a subjective standpoint, the whistleblower must necessarily hold the role of an employee, supplier, customer, consultant, or agent of the Everlasting company.
For proper and guided reporting in whistleblowing matters, please refer to the following link: https://areariservata.mygovernance.it/#!/WB/EVERLASTING